
Every Monday, we ship new updates and improvements to CRUNCH IT.

Copy or download a chart as image

You can easily share any chart by downloading it or simply copying it as an image and pasting it in your messages and presentations.

Ask Questions on any Dashboard Chart

You can now ask follow-up questions on any chart in a dashboard, and let our AI answer them.

Simply click on the menu icon on the top right corner of any chart, and select "Ask Question"

Add examples to tune the AI

You can now add general and table-specific examples. AI uses these examples as reference, tuning the way your analysis is done for custom metrics and breakdowns.

Configurable refresh frequency for dashboards and

You can configure when your dashboards are refreshed with latest data.

Improved AI Agent Algorithms

We have improved our AI agent flows to make it

  • 80% faster for a large majority of questions
  • More consistent and reliable

Search Suggestions

You can now see suggestions as you write your query in the AI-Search bar. Suggestions will help you get a better idea of what's available in the tables as well as provide a better grounding for the AI as it generates the response.

Looker as a data source

You can now add your Looker ML models as a data source and use our AI on top of it.

Truly self serve dashboards

You can now create dashboards and pin the charts generated by our AI to monitor the metrics over time.