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Apoorv Nandan
CTO & Co-founder
July 9, 2023

As global compute and connectivity grow exponentially, the total amount of data in the world is has, and is going to continue to as well, with a thirty fold increase in the 2010s.

Source: Statista

Simultaneously, the optimal utilization of data is also increasing in significance. More data implies more information, which implies the existence of more information for developing products. Logically, then, data-driven development is becoming more and more important.


This particular aspect is the crux of what we're discussing today, as it emphasizes precisely why being data driven is increasingly crucial, and is also pivotal to event tracking, which we will discuss later here.

The exponential increase in data has led to a virtuous cycle: more data leads to more insights, which leads to better product decisions, and in turn new and useful features which drive engagement further up-leading to more data. This increased  engagement then creates more useful data, thereby continuing the flywheel by creating even better products, which then lead to higher engagement and thus more data.


So we’ve discussed the importance of data. Now let’s try and understand what characterizes organizations that would be best at leveraging it.

1. Data Driven Evolution:

Initially, product development was driven by intuition and design. Though it obviously still has its place, the data flywheel we described above means that the role of more data centred analysis is rapidly increasing in significance. Organizations started to use data not only for counting numbers but also for building dashboards, visualizations, and shipping the right products and features.

Key insights from data science reveal that success often comes from small, incremental changes over time. On the other hand, intuition, prone to biases, can sometimes be as effective as random selection.

2. Experimentation:

What an agile framework enables is  a culture of experimentation. It recognizes that intuition, while valuable, does not scale and hence embraces a "test and learn" approach. This methodology of continual testing, learning, and iterating forms the backbone of their product development process.

Without a habit of experimentation, you’d simultaneously not be leveraging all the data you and also preventing yourself from getting more data which could lead to more insights.


A truly data-informed company views the analytics team as integral to every stage of product development. From crafting relevant metrics for product success to measuring progress and identifying growth areas, the analytics team plays a pivotal role.

In essence, data-driven companies are those that leverage the power of data at every step, from product development to decision-making, and foster a culture that values impact, truth, and continual learning. Their success lies in their ability to harness data to drive change and innovation, creating a virtuous cycle of growth and improvement.


One of the key mechanisms enabling data-driven development is event tracking. Event tracking captures specific interactions users have with a product, generating data that provide insights into user behaviour, product performance, and opportunities for improvement. This data, in turn, empowers teams to make informed decisions that align with user needs and business goals.

Optimizing Event Tracking

With the importance of event tracking established, it's essential to focus on optimizing it for maximum benefit. Event tracking should be designed strategically to capture the most critical user interactions. It involves defining what to track (e.g., clicks, page views, purchases), how often to track it, and how to analyze the collected data. A well-planned event tracking strategy is key to turning raw data into valuable insights that can drive product development.

A critical part of event tracking optimization involves ensuring data quality. It is crucial to validate data, monitor for inconsistencies, and maintain good data hygiene practices to ensure the data used to inform decisions is accurate and reliable.

Furthermore, the significance of real-time event tracking cannot be understated. The ability to track and analyze user interactions as they happen provides opportunities to respond swiftly to emerging trends, identify issues, and capitalize on opportunities. This can be a game-changer in fast-paced, competitive markets.


Skilfully implementing  data-driven development requires more than just a rudimentary understanding of analytics. Let's delve into some techniques that could help you harness data for maximized value and precision-driven decision making.

1. Customized Goal Setting:

This is about shaping the metrics and KPIs according to individual product features and distinctive user segments. As an example, for a fitness app, a goal could be to increase usage of a specific workout routine among users aged 25-35. Similarly, if a new feature is launched, the goal could be to achieve a certain level of adoption amongst the existing user base within a defined time period.

2. Enhanced Data Collection:

Expand your data collection strategy to cover qualitative aspects as well. User surveys, feedback forms, and user interviews can add color to the numerical data you have and provide insights into the 'why' behind user behaviour.

3. AI/ML:

Using more technically advanced techniques such as decision trees, random forests, or neural networks to get more granular insights from your data. These can be particularly useful in identifying high-value user groups or predicting churn.

4. Micro-Segmentation For A/B Testing:

When testing a new feature, don't just divide users randomly into control and test groups. Segment them based on usage patterns, demographics, or other relevant factors, and then perform A/B tests within these segments.

5. Real-Time Monitoring With Smart Alerts:

Set up alerts based on smart triggers, such as sudden changes in user behaviour patterns, or thresholds like a drop in daily active users beyond a certain limit. These can help in quickly identifying and addressing potential issues.

6: Iterative Analysis With Cohorts & Time Series':

Use techniques such as cohort analysis to track the behaviour of specific groups of users over time. This can provide insights into long-term trends and patterns, and help assess the true impact of changes made to the product.

Data-driven development is not just a buzzword—it's an increasingly essential approach to product development and decision-making.

Event tracking, coupled with a robust framework for continuous improvement, enables organizations to harness the power of data to drive continual growth and improvement. It's a virtuous cycle where more data leads to better decisions, which leads to better products and more engagement, which in turn leads to even more useful data.

In the face of exponentially growing data volumes, organizations that can effectively leverage data to drive their development processes will be the ones that thrive. It's no longer enough to be merely data-aware. The future belongs to those who are data-driven.

Achieving that often elusive goal is what we aim to help you do here at Crunch.
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